Leg & Booty Resistance Band Workout

resistance band leg & glute workout

Resistance bands are one of my favorite types of workout gear—they’re lightweight, portable, and add a solid amount of resistance. This workout can be done anywhere at anytime, just as long as you have the bands. The exercises are explained in more detail below.

Fire Hydrants: With the band above your knees, get down on all fours. Keep your knees directly under the hips. Make sure your whole body is still and lift your knee, then lower back down. Perform 20 on each side.

Side Shuffles: Keep the band above your knee and step to the left then step back to the right, keeping resistance the entire time. Perform 20 on each side.

Squat Jumps: Perform squat jumps as usual, but with the band placed just above your knees and your legs spread a little further apart to create resistance.

Hip Thrusts: Place the band right above your knees and lie on your back, feet hip-width apart. Drive through your feet and upwards, squeezing your glutes at the top.

Sumo Squat Pulses: Put the resistance bands around the ankles and spread legs apart, toes pointed out. Lower down into squat position and back up, repeat.

Glute Kick Back: Stand with the resistance band around your ankles. Keep your feet hip-width apart, place your weight on your left leg, and kick back with the right. Return to starting position. Perform 20 on each side.

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