A Healthy Vacation: Part 2

State Beach

Last year, I wrote a little blurb about my annual trip to Martha’s Vineyard and shared some healthy places to go and things to do. Within the past year, however, it’s safe to say that my love for healthy living has skyrocketed, and as a result I’m more dedicated to staying healthy while traveling and finding wholesome things to do besides sit on the beach all day.

Let’s start with how I actually stay active and eat well while I’m on vacation. I know it’s a hard thing to do, especially when you’re with family and friends and there are delicious snacks at the beach and the temptation to sit all day and munch is overwhelming. First off, one of the things I find most helpful for keeping your body in check when you’re on vacation is to move. I’m not asking you to go on a five mile run everyday or drop serious cash on expensive workout classes for the week. A little bit of activity everyday, whether it’s a power walk in the morning with your mom or a game of tennis with friends, will keep you feeling good. I found that a two mile run and a little bit of equipment-free strength training kept my body in check. If you think you won’t be able to stick to a routine, get someone else involved. This year my boyfriend and brother both worked out with me, so it was easier to commit to a plan if other people held me responsible.

The loop I ran daily
The loop I ran daily

While staying active is important, eating well is even more essential. If you’re a somewhat healthy eater and then all of a sudden eat a lot of junk food while on vacation, your body will not be pleased. Trust me, I’ve been there. It is a vacation, so you should treat yourself. This doesn’t mean eating an entire sleeve of Oreos at the beach and then a giant bowl of clam chowder, but rather choose a treat that you wouldn’t normally eat at home. I never eat fried food, but for some reason a little fried fish was calling my name, so I had a small plate of fried fish and it was just enough to satisfy my craving without leaving me feeling gross. If beach snacks are a struggle, pack some fresh fruit to satisfy your sweet tooth, a protein and whole grain packed lunch, and some pretzels or popcorn if you’re in the mood for salt. I find this to be the most challenging aspect of a beach vacation, especially since I have two teenage brothers who consume an absurd amount of food. Maybe I’ll treat myself to a cookie at the beach, but I try to stick to the healthier options I bring.

Alcohol can also be a killer and can add to the yucky post-vacation feeling. I recommend mixing hard alcohol with soda or seltzer to keep things light and only having one or two drinks. Wine is also a great option. Personally, beer just makes me feel full and bloated so I try to stay away from it. If you love beer, however, try to stick to one or two drinks.

Now for those of you who ever want to vacation to Martha’s Vineyard or want to vacation there, the island is full of fun things to do, especially in the health sector. The island is abundant with farm stands and locally grown produce, hiking trails, and farmer’s markets that sell everything from raw honey to fresh lavender sprigs.

While on my trip this year, I went on a great hike through Felix Neck Wildlife Sanctuary, filled with beginner hiking paths that stretch across small ponds and wind by the ocean with a gorgeous view of State Beach. Along this walk and even in the backyard of our rental house, there were fresh raspberries and blackberries to be picked. I picked a big bowl and they were gone in an hour.

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Felix Neck Trail
Felix Neck Oceanside
Felix Neck Oceanside
Fresh Blackberries
Fresh Blackberries
Raspberries from the backyard
Raspberries from the backyard

There were also visits to Morning Glory Farm in Edgartown, a beautiful farm filled with loads of fresh fruit and vegetables. I grabbed some purple bell peppers here, which I’d never seen before. We also stopped at Beetlebung Farm. The farm recently released a new cookbook and I’m obsessed with their Instagram page, the photography is absolutely stunning. The farm stand had a lot of produce to choose from, grass-fed meats, herbs, and even some baby bunnies we got to watch hop around.

The weekly farmer’s market was another exciting part of the trip (mostly because Jake Gyllenhaal was there wandering around). Besides the celeb spotting, there were hundreds of stands from local vendors that sold natural beauty products and food. If you ever go, try the cold brew from Chilmark Coffee Company. Hands down the best coffee I’ve ever had.

Fruit at Morning Glory Farm
Bettlebung Farm
Bettlebung Farm

And of course, since I’m recently obsessed with acai bowls, I had to visit Blissed Out in Vineyard Haven. They sell smoothies, juices, raw and vegan food, and of course, acai bowls. It was a refreshing treat on a hot day.

Acai Bowl
Acai Bowl

While I’m biased and saying that you all should visit Martha’s Vineyard, I know that all of you have your own favorite vacation destination. Keep these healthy tips and mind and research beforehand. You never know what places and experiences your healthy interests might lead you to.

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