Why I Live by the 80/20 Rule (And You Should Too!)

How many times have you made the promise to yourself that you were going to completely eliminate something out of your diet, yet by the end of the week you found yourself eating everything that you eliminated?  I can’t recall how many times I used to try and completely abstain from, for example, sugar, and by the end of the week found myself eating more sugar than I would normally eat, even when I allowed sugar in my diet!


When we try and and quit something cold turkey, we are way more likely to end up binging on it, completely ruining our original plan.  Over time, I’ve realized how essential balance is in a diet and that’s why I stick to the 80/20 rule.  It’s an extremely easy and simple way to live a healthy lifestyle, but also allows you to indulge in the things you love.  So, 80% of the time I make healthy choices and eat clean, fresh, wholesome foods and 20% of the time I treat myself!  This way I can still have a square of dark chocolate after lunch and dinner and get my chocolate fix, but not feel like I’ve compromised all of my healthy eating.

Whether you’re trying to lose weight or just be healthy, balance is the key.  This simple rule is easy and effective and  allows you to indulge in a couple of fries at dinner!  Who doesn’t love that?  As a general rule, I always try to stay away from any processed food or soda, even when living the 80/20 lifestyle.

Many celebrities also live by the 80/20 rule and found it most effective in maintaining a constant, healthy life.  Read more about them here!


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